Monday, December 4, 2006

Dirty Gypsy-Proof

Recently, I have been stressing out over the minor details of my trip. Such as... how many socks, shoes, pants, toothbrushes, ect. should I bring. But most importantly I have been nervous about the outerwear necessary for this venture. I will, after all, be in Madrid, in the winter.

I don't even know what winter feels like! I live in Southern California, it is currently 65 degrees outside and I have the heater on... something tells me I might not be cut out for this!

Well, back to the point of what to bring. I finally was able to calm one of those worries yesterday when I finally found a travel bag for Europe. Basically, I needed a Gypsy-proof bag, so that I wouldn't make myself out to be easy prey.

So here it is!!! I hope the dirty gypsies with their nasty tricks won't be able to penetrate this too easily.

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... and the best part... was that it was only $14! Am I good or what?