Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Note Burning

The semester is finally over! And as a new tradition my good friends and I have taken up note burning— to rid ourselves of all the haunting homework and meticulous notes collected from the fall semester.* We figured we were actually saving tax dollar money by not recycling and instead burning.

It was all quite grand. Emily and I roasted marshmallows over burning paper and RBG while the boys drank and we discussed which notes we hated the most. I think we decided Mike’s Economics notes took the cake. By far he had the biggest stack, although collectively we did burn at least a few pounds of paper.

But it was my last real get-together in Orange with my oldest college friends and it was a fun idea that we intend on making a tradition. Afterwards Carl took me out to dinner and drove me home as I silently said goodbye to Orange for the next 6 months.

I packed up everything the next morning and now I am home busy with Christmas. I still have plenty more to do though!! And even though I am physically away from my friends I still have Emily to call me about her moral battles between whether or not to watch Gilmore Girls or go to a dance show… or something. I told her to watch Gilmore Girls… it is always the right decision. However her obsession does scare me just a bit.

<3 Feliz Navidad

*please note for all professors of classes in which the notes were burned. The act was meant to give them no offense, for it was in spite of a long, hard semester and of no disrespect to those who provided us with such valuable knowledge. <3

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