Sunday, December 24, 2006

Surgery, hospital, drugs, oh my.

Please note that this was written under the influence of heavy pain killers…

I finally had my little procedure on my stomach on Thursday, it wasn’t supposed to be any big deal, except that it would rid me of the acid reflux I’ve had since I was six. However, for some reason, I thought it wasn’t going to hurt.

SO, I went in to have the Plicator procedure on Thursday morning. They put me under general anesthesia and after I woke up, it took me a minute to realize I was in tremendous pain. It felt like a Mac truck with spiked wheels ran over my chest and I think I started crying, I was still under the influence of heavy anesthesia, but they gave me some stuff to make it not hurt so bad.

I knew before I went into this that one of the side effects was that air could creep into the chest cavity and there was a possibility that I would have to be hospitalized. However, I never really considered the fact that it would happen to me. But after several hours of me crying from the pain, they realized there was no way they could send me home on any kind of prescription medication, and that I needed to be monitored all night.

So I was admitted into the hospital, given a much nicer bed, and some nice residents right out of Grey’s Anatomy. OH YEAH, and they gave me my very own morphine pump, with my own little button to push when the pain worsened. So I stayed there until the next night, and then once I could prove to them I could manage to eat clear liquids and drink some seriously gross medication, they let me go.

I am home now and I am basically a shell of a human, and mostly useless. If anyone asks me to make a decision, I just about come to tears because it is so difficult to do, and I am defiantly not allowed to drive. Also I can’t even eat solid foods, and if an attempt to consume liquid presents itself, I can only handle about 4oz. before I am stuffed.

But YAY, no more acid reflux, and just in time for me to enjoy Spain without worrying about taking $15 worth of medication each morning. Now I just gotta manage eating mash potatoes at Christmas dinner, and be well enough to eat a Juicy Lucy before New Years.

Merry Christmas, and an Acid Reflux free New Year