Tuesday, January 16, 2007

The Metro Sucks

I think the metro is cool and all but it takes me 45 freaking minutes to get to school!!!!! And today was the first day of class and it was long. I have a 2 ½ hour break after lunch and I have no idea what I am supposed to do? It took me like 5 minutes to do all my homework and I spent the rest of the time on Facebook being a useless human.

I am very tired. So I won’t burden you with too much info.
Here are my classes…

Mon/Wed 2:15-3:45 – Intro to International Business
Tue/Thurs 12:30-2:00- Politics of the Middle East
2:15-3:45- Elementary Spanish
6:15-7:45- Astronomy

And to answer my mothers questions…..

Yes, my classes are taught in English
No, I do not have to do my own laundry, Lidia does is every Monday, the washer is in the kitchen, next to the dishwasher. It’s so cute, there are no dryers so my clothes hang outside to dry. Very quaint. Then apparently she irons them to perfection, but she hasn’t done laundry let, so when that does happen, I’ll let you know how perfect they are.
Btw Mom, since you made me do my own laundry since I was 13 I appreciate Lidia’s washing more than most people can even understand!

<3 you all, I miss you dearly, I am now going to go watch episode three of 24