Wednesday, January 10, 2007

OH Dear. I am in Madrid…

Well, as of now I am not in Madrid, I am in Catares, which is a city to the west of Madrid, almost to Portugal. It is in the poorer area of Spain and although it is a big city with some very cool looking castle-things it is rarely visited by Americans so they are all very friendly and want to talk to us.

I arrived in Madrid yesterday at about 11am Madrid time, or 2am Pacific. It was pretty much awful. I waited for my luggage for about 30 minutes before I finally asked someone where it was and they told me I was in the wrong place. Then, once I finally found my way to the right area I found myself with one bag…. And I left LA with TWO bags! So at this point I pretty much burst into tears because I had been traveling for 24 hours, I was an emotional wreck, and now I had no clothes, because the one bag that did arrive only had shoes and random

So I filed a claim with the airline and they said they thought it might be in Frankfurt, which was in no way comforting. So, I poorly navigated my way through the airport where the people from the school were supposed to pick me up. However, they were nowhere to be found. I had been trying to call them since my flight had been delayed in Frankfurt and when I landed in Madrid, but their numbers weren’t working. Finally I bought some crackers so I could get some change to make a call and the woman found me and I was able to make it over to the hotel.

THANKFULLY, this morning I was informed that my luggage existed, and was being flown into Madrid, so it didn’t fall into the Atlantic and I should get it Thursday morning.

Okay this is going to be a long post because I haven’t had internet for a while, and I don’t know when I will get it again….

But Spain is awesome! I love it, it is cool, I am excited about it, I am happy to be here. But dear God, I miss the people I love so bad! There are times when I am like crazy happy/adrenaline pumped and times when I would come home in a heartbeat. I find it is much better when I don’t think of it as 4 months away from everyone, and more of a vacation, that just won’t be ending anytime soon.

In total there about 150ish people here, which is way more than I expected, and about 15 of the students were here last semester and they all say that the first month is hard because you have to adjust, move in with your family and start school. But after that the time flies! So yeah, I know I will be happy here, I like it a lot, it is a really chill place and it feels very safe.

I will keep posting as long at this internet keeps up! And I will start posting pictures. I saw the most amazing Roman ruins today, so those will be the first up!

<3 Sarah

ps. For those who dont know, I am 9 hours ahead of Pacific Standard time