Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Oh jeeze Cadiz

I got to dress up like pretty pretty princess, do cool face makeup, spend a great time with my friends, see wild people, hang out in a gorgeous beach town, and I only spent 20 euro! (not including what I paid for the actual trip, which wasn’t bad at all)

Well, I had a great weekend. It may have begun and ended with an almost 9 hour bus ride. But that is okay, at least I was able to view the beautiful Spanish countryside. However there is no way I can forget to mention the annoying girls that graced our bus. It is important to note that this was not a school trip, but done through an outside travel agency, but all the kids were American, just not all from my school. So…. these girls or “sloohas” brought these naked baby boy dolls that were anatomically correct…and did not let you forget it. They were flirting in dirty Spanish to the bus driver and they were yelling the most crude, insane things ever, usually over the loudspeaker and let’s just say we hated them! But we got them back later… you will see

Anyway we arrived at about 6pm on Friday at an amazing hotel outside of Cadiz, and we were given the option of going into Cadiz that night, but we weren’t in the mood so we headed into the nearby town for some dinner. It proved to be a bust. As we later discovered Cadiz was pretty dead too. The festivities didn’t officially kick off until Saturday. So we just chilled out at the hotel and rested up for the day!

Saturday we enjoyed our complementary breakfast at the hotel (we each made a couple bocadillos and saved them for later, this greatly contributed to me only spending 20 euro). Then we headed in to Cadiz at 12, and the bus was going to pick us up at 5. It was the perfect amount of time. We got to check out the town, and I got to spend some quality time on the beach which I have been missing so much! Madrid is in the dead center of Spain mind you. We also had some great lunch on the beach, and I bought a cool leather bracelet.

The bus took us back into town at 8pm where we were fully costumed up. Now although the actual carnivale was incredible, I might just have to say that the highlight of the whole trip was in the bus ride on the way into Cadiz at night. Unfortunately for us those same annoying girls from the bus ride here were on our bus. And I pray, for their sake that they were drunk, because I don’t know how you honestly say, out loud, the nasty things that came out of their mouth.

They got a hold of the loudspeaker and began their antics and continued acting like total sloohas. My friends and I filled up the last four rows on both sides of the back of the bust and we decided we would not stand for their annoyingness anymore. SO we started yelling at them. Basically we told them to shut up because they were dumb hoes and no one wanted to listen to them. Then we started singing… “nah nah nah nah, goodbye” they still didn’t stop, but everyone on the bus supported us. Then we started chanting, “échela!” Which means, throw her out. They couldn’t even get a word in over us, and they had control of the loudspeaker! Words cannot describe, but it was so incredible to finally tell those girls off. If anyone wants to know what kind of foul things they said you can feel free to email me, but there is NO way I will post them. I could write all about what they did once we got off the bus too, but I will refrain. You can just know they were true blue sloos.

Anyway Cadiz was pure madness. It reminded me a lot of Santa Barbara at Halloween, except people weren’t dressed as slooha-ish and more concerned with having a great time than being smashed. But anyway there were loads of people, however there was no music, which was one thing that was really disappointing, because at times it was just like… me in a huge crowd of crazy people. It was still fun, however the amount of people around me got really frustrating after awhile, especially because of how carefully I had to watch my bag.

Luckily there was nothing of much importance in it. I had my money in my bra and my camera around my wrist. The only thing in my bag was some sea glass from earlier in the day, my water bottle, lip gloss, hand sanitizer, and Kleenex. I also was lucky enough to catch a Cruz del Compo hat, which is a beer company who threw out these red hats with blonde hair coming out of the bottom of them (to match their spokesman character). AND although none of that was valuable I still had some of it stolen throughout the night. The hat was stolen, and so was my water bottle, although I am not sure why someone would want my water bottle, except maybe they thought it was booze because that seemed to be how most people were rolling.

Anyway we came back on the first bus… which was at 2am mind you. But still, we were exhausted and there were so many people you couldn’t move! But I had so much fun jumping around with my friends and chasing the people dressed up as pac man ect. It was a great time and totally worth it!

This weekend will be much lower key. I am staying put in Madrid but my roommate is heading out to Lisbon, which is where I will be next weekend. School is going well, we have midterms right now, but it is nothing I am too concerned with. I am also trying to get better at Spanish, because it seriously sucks right now. It is definitely better from when I got here, but I have taken to teaching myself since my Spanish class is a complete joke. I’ll update you all on my regular life next time, but until then, chau!

The last few pics didn’t download, so I will try and update this link later… but if you can’t wait… here you go…

Cadiz Carnivale Picture Slideshow